Event Registration

Women in Health Leadership featuring Dee Thibodeau, CEO of Charter Solutions
06/10/2025 07:00 AM - 09:30 AM CT

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Partner Ticket
Non-Partner Ticket
Partner Table for 10
Non-Partner Table for 10

Join us on Tuesday, June 10th for our next Women in Health Leadership event, featuring Dee Thibodeau, CEO of Charter Solutions.

An experienced board member, entrepreneur, and investor in emerging companies, Thibodeau has made companies successful by creating highly productive teams focused on strategic planning, customer relationships, sound business practices, and innovative uses for new and existing technologies.

The Women in Health Leadership series celebrates the women who are leading health and wellness transformation—advancing our industry, technologies, and equity around the globe.

To start the event, you will have an hour of networking time over fresh coffee and tea. As we sit down for breakfast, special guest speaker Dee Thibodeau will share her journey to leadership, inspire innovation, and energize you to pursue your passions and ideas to transform healthcare. There will also be time for a Q&A with Dee at the end of the event

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